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맥에서 cron job생성하기

by bents 2021. 1. 12.

- shebang이란 : wikidocs.net/16051

- tistory 구려... 마크다운 복붙도 안됨.

crontab 실행에러.md

# 맥의

# 가상환경pyenv위에 있는 프로젝트에 대해

# cron job만들기


1.단순무식...그러나 가장 정확함.

$ crontab -e

*/1 * * * * { printf "[\%s] " "$(date "+\%F \%T")"; ~/.pyenv/versions/crypto-env/bin/python ~/Projects/crypto-project/cron_test.py; } >> ~/Automation/output.log 2>&1 


2. crontest.sh 만들기 [실패] 

$ mkdir Automation
$ cd Automation
$ touch crontest.sh
$ vi crontest.sh 


$ crontab -e

* * * * * ~/Automation/crontest.sh >> ~/Automation/output.log 2>&1
crontab: "/usr/bin/vi" exited with status 1




[Python] 가상환경(pyenv-virtualenv) 파이썬을 crontab에서 실행하기

Practice makes perfect!




Python Script Automation Using CRON on Mac - JC Chouinard

SEO automation with Python is a very popular topic right now. The easiest way you automate SEO with Python is by using crontab (cron) on Mac or Task Learn Automation by JC Chouinard


결과 확인

$ tail -10 output.log
[2021-01-14 21:29:00] 2021-01-14 21:29:00.889505 =====> 2021-01-14_21_29




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