전체 글362 리눅스에서 데이터 삭제하는 2가지 방법 1. 그래픽/GUI로 삭제하기 화면에서만 사라질 뿐 최상위폴더내 .Trash에 잘 보관 되어 있다. https://askubuntu.com/questions/403485/help-cant-empty-my-trash-folder-on-external-hdd help, can't empty my trash folder on external hdd I've been searching for this problem on the webs but none of the solutions i've found worked for me. The problem is that I have an external hard drive and the trash folder won't delete. the complete askubu.. 2022. 10. 11. 대역폭을 제한해서 scp사용하는 법 공식문서에 있지만 몰라서 잘 안쓰는 유용한 옵션들 알아보기 1. 대역폭 제한** -l limit Limits the used bandwidth, specified in Kbit/s. #또다른 대안 : tc 2. 보안 설정 -c cipher Selects the cipher to use for encrypting the data transfer. This option is directly passed to ssh(1). https://linux.die.net/man/1/scp scp(1): secure copy - Linux man page scp(1) - Linux man page Name scp - secure copy (remote file copy program) Synopsis scp [-1246.. 2022. 10. 10. HDD 데이터 전송률;대역폭 올리기 대역폭과 상관없이 전송속도가 느린 이유는 무엇이고 대안책은 무엇인가? #충분한 공간여유를 만들어라 70%미만 A drive itself will not slow down mechanically, it still rotates at it's proper speed. The outer rings of the drive are longer, and will contain more data. When you read or write from them, you will get more data per revolution, thus a higher transfer rate. The OS starts loading and using the outer rings first. That is why a new drive .. 2022. 10. 9. 도커 - nvidia - gpu 같이 쓰는 법 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57066162/how-to-get-docker-to-recognize-nvidia-drivers How to get Docker to recognize NVIDIA drivers? I have a container that loads a Pytorch model. Every time I try to start it up, I get this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "server/start.py", line 166, in start... stackoverflow.com 가장 빈번한 에러 ;; 이미 설치했는데 왜 nvidia driver가 없다고 에러가 뜰까? 2022. 10. 8. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ··· 91 다음